Valerie Bertinelli is a two-time Golden Globe Award-winning actress, and best known for her hit shows on Food Network, Valerie's Home Cooking. Besides her own show, Valerie is also the co-host of the network's Kids Baking Championship. Before spending time in the kitchen, Valerie starred in unforgettable television series such as One Day at a Time and Hot in Cleveland. Valerie continues to amaze us with her multitude of talents, while also being a mom to her son Wolfgang Van Halen.
Inspiration My mom, Aunts, Nonnie, and all my girlfriends who I’ve learned so much from and inspire me in the kitchen.
Dream vacation I have a few! I’d love to someday go on a safari. I’d love to see Pompeii. I’d also love to do one of those airplane tours where they go around the world in a month.
Best advice Be kind. Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
Zodiac sign I am a Taurus bull. With an Aries moon and Scorpio rising.
Spirit animal Cat. No doubt. I have lived with cats my whole life. I feel like I am a cat! I can be affectionate, but I’m a little stand-offish until I get to know you and trust you.
Style icon I don’t really have one. I just like to be comfortable.
I really love …quiet time. 
Lucky number I don’t know that I have one. Although, I seem to see 316 everywhere I go. Or maybe I just notice it because that’s my son’s birthday!
Cause I am most passionate about Making sure our children are fed. Blessings in a Backpack and No Kid Hungry are great organizations doing amazing work.
Favorite Alex Woo piece That’s a tough one! I have a few (and I’m always pining for more) but I’ll choose two, my Taurus the bull (to remind me of my strength) and my Fleur de Lis (the symbol atop our family crest).